As a speaker, author, entrepreneur and mindfulness trainer, I take my collective experiences, training and proven techniques to demystify and understand the basics of mindfulness, meditation, and transformation.
These are tools that aren’t a waste of time, or simply life hacks to be more productive, but designed to help us finally get off the roller coaster of feeling overwhelmed and consumed by stress. I bring a modern-day perspective that doesn’t require a crisis to create change, but rather curiosity, open-heartedness, and the desire to enjoy our lives now, not just when life gets turned upside down. Oh, and BONUS, it sure makes us better equipped in the likelihood that a crisis does hit or when life just likes to throw those curve balls. With just a little bit of willingness, I believe we can befriend change and navigate uncertainty with more ease, connection, and clarity.

About Paige

Paige Davis is a speaker, author, entrepreneur and mindfulness trainer. She facilitates mindfulness, meditation, and resilience programming designed to enhance communication, productivity, and managing high-demand situations with more clarity, compassion, and creativity. She’s worked with a variety of several start-ups and companies including: Facebook, Whole Foods Market, University of Texas System, Austin Texas Department of Transportation, Vista Equity Partners, National Instruments
Paige has served in a founder role for a Pilates studio, one of the first social impact and B Corp brands in Texas, and is currently founder of Pebbl, creating products and programming to support you on your pathway to presence and well-being. She holds training certifications from Pilates Center of Austin, Western School of Feng Shui, Mclean Meditation Institute, and Chopra Ayurvedic Health Program.
Her work has been featured in the Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Ozy, Health, and Mindful Magazine. She is a Senior Trainer and co-creator of MMI Mindful – Bringing Mindfulness To Work and author of Here We Grow: Mindfulness Through Cancer and Beyond.

Paige's Talks
Entrepreneur Wellness: Developing Tangible Wellness Practices
Ideal for founders, managers, intrapreneurs, and solo entrepreneurs, this talk is designed to provide a foundation to overall wellness + care through a mindfulness lens. We gain an understanding of the relationship between brain science and our capacity to reduce stress, increase focus, enhance communication, and boost resilience.

The Power of Pause: Shifting from Busyness to Presence
In a world of uncertainty and overwhelm, the importance of taking pause seems obvious. But how do we shift from our busy “doing” to consistent “being” with more peace, presence and still be productive? In this talk, we embrace the importance of understanding the “Panicked Pause” as a mindful catalyst leading to the “Peaceful Pause” where ease, connection, and clarity become our new normal.
Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation: Cultivating A Sustainable Practice
This talk is designed to provide an understanding of the fundamentals of mindfulness and meditation and guide people through practices and helpful pearls of brain science designed to reduce stress and enhance well-being at work. Includes a guided session and tangible tools to cultivate a sustainable practice for any lifestyle.

Here We Grow:
Mindfully Meeting Uncertainty
Inspired by Paige's book, Here We Grow, Mindfulness Through Cancer and Beyond, a story of meeting fear and uncertainty with mindfulness, meaning and the unconditional love inherent in us all. This talk provides tangible lessons learned and tools that help integrate the mind, body, spirit and discover the unexpected awakening of intuition, open-heartedness, and compassion in the healing journey, followed by a guided meditation .
Inspired by Paige’s book, Here We Grow: Mindfulness Through Cancer and Beyond, a story of meeting fear and uncertainty with mindfulness, meaning, and the unconditional love inherent in us all. This talk provides tangible lessons learned and tools that help integrate the mind, body, spirit, and discover the unexpected awakening of intuition, open-heartedness, and compassion in the healing journey, followed by a guided meditation.

“Paige provided a thorough explanation of various techniques which was so helpful and then taking us through an actual practice made the experience very digestible which is important when we think about how to share realistic and bite sized wellness practices with our employees if we really want to support them in creative, useful, and meaningful ways.”
Michelle Miron, Chief Human Resources Officer, Lifeworks
“Paige led an engaging, down to earth training series that helped our employees lower their stress, increase their focus and boost their on the job performance. Employees reported a significant increase in their confidence to practice mindfulness and meditation.”
Gina Akin, Wellness Program Administrator, Texas Department of Transportation
“The entrepreneurial journey is full of intense pressure, steep expectations and unforgiving deadlines.This talk was filled with actionable tips to be more present in work and life tohelp our team relax, ground and clear their minds. The group reported an increase in thoughtful decision making and a desire to communicate more kindly.”
Jessica Cox, Membership Development Manager at Galvanize Inc.

Let's Connect
Are you looking for a keynote talk, meditation workshop, or individual coaching? If so, please fill out the form or email directly. Looking forward to connecting.
